Friday, May 24, 2013

The Summer Adventures of Frog and Toad: The Beginning

Toad and Frog 2.0

The boys and I decided we wanted to write a book about our adventures this summer. Obviously a book of this caliber should be permanently preserved for their adoring public (aka Grandma, Grandpa and Namma). How better to accomplish this in today's high speed world than by creating a blog!?

The boys love the Frog and Toad series of books so Colin and I decided, while Will was napping that 'Frog and Toad Summer' was the perfect title.

Its our hope to post as frequently as possible with pictures, quotes and favorites of the day.

Your Friend,
Mamma, Frog (Will) and Toad (Colin)


  1. I must bring them a copy of "The Wind in the Willows" - one of my favorites as a young boy.

  2. This is going to be great fun and I will look forward to all the happenings. Frog and Toad books were very popular in house. Hmmmm I wonder if there are any upstairs????


  3. Reading them The Wind in the Willows is a wonderful idea! I've been wondering when we should start multi-chapter books. Summer seems like as good of a time as any.

  4. Mamma,
    You are missing an n in beginning :) Looking forward to reading!


    1. haha Thank you Tia!!! PS Colin told me today that he felt really cool cause he was the only person in the world with a godmother who had a dog. I'm not sure where it came from but clearly it made you extra cool in his eyes.

  5. I feel sure this will be one of my best summer reads! Fare forward adventurers!
