Sunday, June 2, 2013

Too Pooped to Party

We had some great friends over for our first BBQ of the season this weekend. They have kids the same ages as Colin and Will so everyone gets along great... well except sometimes the siblings... or the big kids vs. little kids... or the girls vs. boys... or, well you get the idea. 

Jim made ribs that were outstanding, obviously! And everyone stayed up super late, which in our house means 8:30 pm. 

Sunday was a whirl wind of activity! A morning at church, a wonderful thank you brunch hosted by our Rector, Oran & his wife, Barbara at rectory, throwing together lovingly preparing a meal and delivering it to a dear friend who just had her first baby and then three hours in the pool with about 15 of the kids' best friends, the boys passed out by 6:30 pm that evening. *whispers* Hallelujah. 

Till Next Time, 
Mamma, Frog & Toad


  1. I love these photos of the boys and I love your community! I want to move there!

    1. OMG I might faint of excitement if I thought that was a possibility! We do have a number of great universities. ya know just saying! :)
